Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I love Lucy & Marriage

My parents watched the old shows while us kids were growing up like "I Love Lucy" & "The Walton's". Shows that are classics and have great values and good family messages. This is unlike most of the shows that I see on TV today. The shows are now filled with divorce, scandal, & sex. You may be wondering where I am going with all of this. Well, some of you may know that I got married just 1 month and 7 days ago. And to be honest I was expecting a tough transition. Having someone around all the time, sharing a bed, & bathroom! I was expecting the lies the world feeds us to start entering into my marriage. I couldn't have been more wrong. Marriage is awesome, and it is awesome because my wife and I prepared for it, and took the tougher road to get to it. It would have been easy to test it out and live together, it would have been easy to be mediocre in the time leading up before marriage. But easy does not translate to holiness.

I think we can learn a lot from the old time shows. We can see marriages that work and families that stay together because they were centered on love. I know that you may be thinking that I am a fool! Or once I get a few years of marriage under my belt I will be changing my mind......wrong! Yes there will be struggles, yes there will good days and bad days, but the love of Christ is the center of our lives and that will never change. I pray that one day I have a family like the Walton's that is centered on God & family. Actually I pray that we all have that in our lives. And hopefully one day we will have shows worth watching again on television.

The views expressed personal opinion and do not in anyway reflect the views of my employer

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