Since I am the director of the Confirmation program I have the privilege to read the letters to the Bishop on why the teens want to be confirmed.You may have heard that kids say crazy things...well teens say just as crazy things. Here are a few of my favorites.
One of my teens was talking about the importance of God in his life and that he wants to build his relationship with God. All good things....the only problem is that he worded it to say he wants to have relations with God.
One of my teens was talking about how he kinda liked the classes, they were fun and interactive but he said things he enjoyed the most were the times when we had guest speakers and he didn't have to listen to the normal presenter.....(that would be me)
Another one of my students decide to talk about how he liked Confirmation because there is nothing better to do with his life on Sunday night.
Last but not least, one of my teens worked on his letter to the Bishop for a long time and finally turned in his final draft. It was great, heartfelt, and worded well. The only problem was that his letter to the Bishop started like this: Dear Pope Benedict XVI.....I always tell my teens to shoot for the top.
Despite these few examples some of the teens wrote letters that would inspire people to become Catholic and I am truly proud of them.
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