Saturday, October 11, 2014


      I love my son Dominic, I really do but you all need to know something about him, he is crazy! Yes, I know all boys are crazy at a young age, but I can't explain to you the amount of energy that he has on a daily basis. If you question how much energy he has just ask my wife(39 weeks pregnant) how exhausting it is to watch him run in circles all day.

      When I get home from work he is usually in the middle of a lap around the house. Now, I have to admit something, when we were kids I remember when my dad would come home from work and we would drop our toys and go running to him with reckless abandon. So naturally I expect this from my son. Dominic does coming running to me when I get home, the bad part is that as he is running to me, and in his loudest voice he is yelling, "MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM." I just shake my head and say no Im dad, say dad, Dominic.....which he replies, "MOM!" I tried to make myself feel better by sharing this with a friend. I said, "your child gets you and your wife confused right?" He laughed and replied, "nope." So why do I share this small part of my day, because I think it has something to do with Mary and the rosary. Let me explain.

      October is the month of the rosary and Mary the Mother of God has brought me so close to God throughout my life. In a small way my son reminded me of this. When my son yells "MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM" I pick him up and bring him over to his mom, who says you remember this is dad, then my son is able to recognize me. The same is true with Mary, she always brings us to the Father. She shows us his face when we have forgotten and cant remember it. October is the month of the rosary, try saying one, and seeing how it brings you back to the father. And while you are praying, offer up a prayer for my wife and me as we prepare for the birth of our second child!

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